07 February 2010

What do you wanna be?

I guess most girls play with barbies and have dreams about fairy weddings and tea parties with their stuffed friends.. I never did this. Cut all the hair off the one barbie I owned and rather hang out with the guys playing the kid version of le parcour (when I wasnt entertaining myself, kinda was a hero in that).

I also never thought of myself of being someones mom someday to be honest. I have the littlest amount of patience with kids. My mom always bought me these hamsters so I'd stuff to do (she ended up cleaning it most of the time) but they all had a tragicall end: one was eaten by my neighbours dog, another buy it brother, one broke its leg in the fuzzy cotton bed I made for him and I totally shaked one untill it was dizzy because I couldnt handle the sound of the tredmill (note I was 6 at the time). What will prevent me from shaking a totler because it won't stop crying?

I dont know but I honestly not see kids as a necesairy good for my future.. Soms gawls already know how they gonna name them. Instead I already know how to name my future dog and 2 cats (not gonna tell, dont wanna jinx). I really think that you have to be in a certain phase in life (worked enough to stay home and take care, enough space and money etc) before you can take responsibilty of those cute little popsicles and maybe you as reader think hey thats the same phase for when you're ready to have kids. But its just not. The whole have kids stay home and live a boring life just makes me wanna go to a shelter buy a cat have some booz and party the night away. Dont get me wrong tho, this is no essay of me screaming into the world wide web that Ill never have kids, its more a "where-are-you-in-life" statement.

And probably in a couple of years Ill find this blog and just laugh because how small- and simpel minded I was when I was 22. But thats life, it would be a shitty place when you just think back and say "godamit, i was friggin genius back then already and not changed/learned a bit"

Xoxo little Jenny

2 reactions:

kittycat. said...

Wauw, love this piece!


Lorena said...

Hahaha I already have the name picked out for my future cat too! I am exactly the same as you with kids, no patience at all. I actually don't even think babies are cute and I'm not sure if I ever will. The only kids I like are the ones that are quiet and just read books/play with toys and keep to themselves hahah.

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