21 July 2010


Do you ever have the feeling that life has something special for you, that you were meant for something bigger, that it is a fact rather then an opinion that you will make it in life?

Almost without shame, I can tell you that this comes to my mind almost everyday. Why would you be satisfied with ANYTHING less than the MOST you can achieve? Why would you be satisfied with the life you have now, while you can work harder to reach further, to achieve more.. At the same time I have to admit that this wasn't always the case for me. A couple of years, perhaps no more than two, I was walking trough life without a goal. I was having ideas in my mind about what I wanted from life, but things just didn't worked out the way I wanted it to. I was wining and complaining, not in public or something - just inside my mind, why didn't the international ambition that I had (and have) represent my actual life?

But then it just struck me in the face, it has no friggin use to just focuss your mind on all the things you don't have. Nothing is gonna change by it. The only thing you should take out from it, is WHAT DO YOU WANT?  Towards what goal do you wanna work, and with work I mean work hard. If you wanna get eveyrthing out of life you have to chase opportunities, they won't just ring the door and present themself! People won't notice you, when you're just sitting on the beach wasting money on stupidity and complaining about your life. When you're out in the world, life itself combined with ambition and perseverance then and ONLY  then, opportunities will come down into your life like rain onto Dutch surface..

At this moment in life, I'm so focused. I have to admit, then almost every day I picture another future for myself, but I'm focused because I know, one day, one day ahead a special thing will arise in my life just because I worked my ass off for it because I want to make something awesome with my life. e

Your life start with everything between your own ears. You have so much controll on your own life so just stop complaining if your life isn't working out at the moment, DO something about it..

xoxo J

1 reactions:

T shirt bedrukken said...

Inspiring words, I agree. It's hard to change my way of thinking but worth the try ;)

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