30 December 2009

At last: HOLIDAY!!

At the present moment Im waiting to be boarded, and uhuh im going on a HOLIDAY!!! Langkawi, Malaysia it is!! Im sooo excited to leave the crazyness of Singapore for a week!! Im planning to do nothing except for gaming, sunbathing and eating :D

Looks good huh!



27 December 2009



Merry Christmas y'all!!

Best gift for me: NO MORE INTERNSHIP FOR ME EVAAAAAAA (okay, at least the coming year...). I finally refound my long lost freedom and am at the moment free as a bird!! SOO what happend the last couple of days? Well, let me tell you!!
Santa was also quite generous towards me! I received such precious gifts! Everybody who knows me, knows how much I love silver bracelets. Especially when people who are in my heart give them to me. Not because I only love presents (which I do.. but thats not the point), I love wearing bracelets with a story!! I have a lot of bangles bracelets and every bead is special for me, because they where given with a special reason!!

And my precious friend Stephanie gave me an awesome Pandora bracelet with a couple of beads (including a CUPCAKE <3!!!!!) It's like thet bracelet below!

Well ofcourse xmas isnt all about gifts and presents. I cherrish the moments the most, christmass eve started kinda shitty.. But ended witth a 300 dollar bottle of champagne, twilight and friends.. And thats what counts the most!!

Hope you all had a great time too and we'll keep in touch ;)


22 December 2009


Totally YES PLEASE!!

2010 will be awesome with in a footed pyjama!!! My new year resolution will be: spend AT LEAST 60% of my time in a PJ! And yes that means going outdoor in a PJ aswell...


21 December 2009

Mystery Seeker

Well, as you might know, Im always in for a good internet-based fun.. Now I found this Google website of and its AMAZEBALLS!

So when you have WAY too much spare time, for example being an intern, you should go to mysterygoogle You run a search for something, and instead of getting the Google search answer for the keywords you just typed in, you actually get the results of some /previous/ query that somebody did. It gives you an answer to questions such as 'what is the purpose of life' till little missions as 'send coockies to' Aahha even if you put in 'what is this' it will answer with a 'this is mystery google' or when you put in 'hallo' it will say 'hi' back.. And if you put in 'poop' it will say its not a toilet..

Ahaha and bored as I was I asked what shall I do and it linked me to the wikipedia website of the The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.. So that will what Im doing the next 10 minutes ;)

AHAHAHAHAH OMG you could wipe me off the floor now. I typed in 'end of the world' (all 2012-ish) and it linked me to Ten Reasons to Hate France kinda love the country tho but thats still hella funny!



source: getsnuggie

Everybody who has been on one of my sleepovers (they are epic, usually have a duration of 3 days and always involves a lot of food!) know I totally LOVE sleeping.. Back home, Im kinda doing everything in my bed (thats what she said..), eating (I know its kinda gross but also sooo comfy), studying, gaming, etc..

In the US there has been a crazy 'trend' going on.. With the Snuggie.. Its like the uggliest thing EVER, but i want one!! It looks sooooooooo comfy and you will be like a kermit without the pig following you..

Santa, can you please keep me warm?


All you need is...

  • one daddy that eats all the things you don't like
  • one mommy that likes the wine a bit too much.. (she's hella fun tho..)
  • one sister that protects you
You don't need the material stuff (except, ofcourse, the SpongeBob helmet), you don't need the rich guy, you don't need all the fancyness...

You can strip off everything and in the end all that matters is family.. Everybody family has it own peculiarities, our family for sure have them (too). But you have to embrace it. Because when everything is gone, they are still there.. Mommy and daddy will still holding hands, you will still have silly arguments with your sibbling, daddy still makes funny grammar errors, mommy will still feed you crazy stuff. But they are there and that's what count..



source: collete

OHH MY GOD!!! I really want to wear this helmet on a daily base even without actually owning a scooter.. In celebration of Spongebob Squarepants’ 10th anniversary, Nickelodeon has teamed up with luxury helmet maker Les Ateliers Ruby to release a special version of the Pavillon model. It looks AMAZABELLS!! Daddy, me wannaaa!! And honestly, what's 800 euro's compared to a happy child?!


Last week of being the intern..

Pff.. This week feels soooooooo bittersweet! Im crazy looking forward to start traveling through South East Asia.. See my manfriend, mommy, sis and daddy again. To sleep in whenever I want to.. To do whatever I want to. To be in charge of my life again (instead of being led by the 9 till 6 bureaucracy)...

But it also means that this will be the last 'normal' week of living in Singapore.. It means saying goodbye to all those funloving people I've met overhere.. Saying goodbye to the life I've known for the last 3 months..

It feels a bit overwhelming.. But I have soo many great prospect for the next couple of months. Going to Hong Kong, catch up with some family over there.. Celebrating the holidays in another country.. Going to bounty islands.. Disney land with my mommy.. Get my sister travelcrazy in 2 weeks/4 countries.. There's soo much good stuff coming up for the first months of twenty ten..

My life's sweet..


ps. it also means no more being 8 hours behind a computer.. so I guess all the no-added-value-of-updating-about-my-life blogs will be no longer after thursday 24 December..

19 December 2009

The cat is effing awesome

This cat is friggin awesome!! She'ss waiting for me after work like every day.. She is HELLA smart for a cat.. Know exactly what she's allowed to do and what not.. I wish I could bring her home.. She has only one eye because a crazy bird (the birds are LOONY in singpore) poked it out :( She often puts her head true the jailbardoor (thats normal in Asia I guess..) so she can visit me... I want a one eyed half tailed cat mommy!


18 December 2009

Epic Pharrell interview

This interview is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO epic. Pharrell was like BLOWN away by Nardwuar the human serviette (ahaha Im not making this one up..). Guy is SOOO thorough with his research cant imagine how much time it cost him to accumulate all the info! All Pharrell could do was like ehhh ehhh ehh..

Gotta love Pharrell


Im yours!

AHAHAHAHA, if I had NO moral standards I'd piss my pants now!

This kids is the most adorable thing.. AHAHAHAH his song is like better then the original. Nosepicking, funnyfaces, mumbling what else can a girl ask for?!


17 December 2009

Voor als je je HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL erg verveelt

Voor als je ECHT ECHT niets beters te doen hebt tijdens je werk/stage/sog.. Mijn blog van ehh toen 18 was.. Ja ja, ook in 2005/2006 hield ik een blog bij.. En to be honest, I didnt change a lot.. Of misschien was ik op mijn 18e al MAJOR volwassen ahaha..

Om mezelf maar even te quoten:
En het enige waar me over verwonder is momenteel eigenlijk.. Hoeveel er verandert in 1 jaar, 365 dagen.. Ik heb echt een miljoen (oké, eigenlijk zijn ze op 1 hand te tellen) vrienden losgelaten.. Maar ben ook zoveel naar andere toegegroeid.. Soms mis ik ze, maar meestal is het nog altijd zo logisch dat we elkaar hebben laten gaan.. [...] Denken over het verleden.. Must ? of just dont.. Kweet het niet.. Moet je het overzien om verder te kunnen.. Of vorige week gwon achter je laten? (vorige week was best gaar overigens... wil die best gwon vergeten..) Toekomst.. Ouder worden.. Voor je het weet ben je 22 (voor de trouwe lezer )

Mensen van boven de 22 zijn zo naar Ze rijden auto's.. Ze hebben verantwoordelijkheden.. Ze hebben alleen nog maar feestjes waar ook een kindercreche aanwezig is.. Vaak beginnen ze dik te worden.. Hebben relaties die ergens op moeten uitlopen (zal hij de vader van mijn kinderen zijn..)

AHAHAHAH fokking hell, Im almost killing myself now... Have to admit, the fat part is kinda true..

Iedereen op de wereld houdt het meest van ze mams (als je nu nee zegt lieg je..) zo ook ik.. Mijn mams.. Ze is zo mal als een deurpost.. Maar wat een topwijf.. Ze dwingt me rijst te eten soms.. Omdat ze dat grappig vind. Soms zegt ze dingen om me te pesten..
Mamma.. Mijn mams houdt van winkelen.. Voor mij welteverstaan.. Ze wordt er blij van als ik blij ben.. Wie wilt nou niet zo'n topmams! Mijn mams houdt stiekem het meest avn mijn paps.. Als ik niet kijk houden ze elkaars handen vast.. Tering.. Ze sluiten mij altijd buiten.. (No Janet, You're not allowd in our bubble)
Mijn mammie.. Ik houd van mijn mammiee. Iedereen houdt van zijn eigen mammiee. Maar de mijne is de leypste
Shit is hella funny.. Tenminste als je me ook echt kent.. Moet zeggen dat ik toen wel een stuk pessimistischer in het leven stond als ik nu sta.. Maar ach wat wil je, ik kwam als een groentje om de hoek kijken en was doodziek (letterlijk.. al kwam ik daar vrij laat achter.. pfeiffer is the shit homie) en wist niet wat ik met me leven aan moest..

Hmm.. Maar weet ik dat nu wel...


You can just pick me off the floor, coz im ROFL

Im sorry kid, you're probably in ALOT of pain.. But this picture is SOOOO effing hilarious! You jump in life and you FAIL in life.. Guess that was your part in the play.. Thank you for the entertainment. Bisous!


source: http://www.failblog.org/

Asian girls...

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16 December 2009

A Bathing Ape

Ook al voel ik BAPE echt TOTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL niet.. Het is wel een mention waard hier..

After months of speculation, cult Japanese streetwear label Bape will finally open up their first store in South East Asia. December 19th marks the official opening of the store, which will be situated at Mandarin Gallery, Orchard Road’s latest mall. As usual with A Bathing Ape, a shop opening or special occasion is never complete without an accompanying product launch.

To commemorate the store’s opening, they’ve plastered the Merlion (a mythical mermaid/lion creature that is a national symbol in Singapore) on to an extremely limited T-Shirt that will only be available in Singapore. Apart from that, a batch of the recent collab tees with Chrome Hearts will be made available.

The tees will go on sale at 11am on December 19th, with each customer only allowed to purchase either one opening tee (priced at SGD129) or one Chrome Hearts tee (priced at SGD219 and available in two designs). There will also be a special free gift for the first 50 customers, as well as a free Bape mobile phone cleaner with purchases over SGD200 and a free Bape mouse pad with purchases over SGD300 (limited to one gift per customer).

Bape Store Singapore, 333A Orchard Road, #02-02/03, Mandarin Gallery, Singapore 238897, T +65 6838 0232. Open daily from 11am to 9.30pm.
source: streething

Japanese people are HILARIOUS

The City is CALLING!

I know, for sure, New York is calling my name!

15 December 2009


AHAHAHAHA, I told you guys that I check http://FMYLIFE.COM like everyday right?!

The web is offering sooooooooooooooooooooo much more of this crap (and made my day when I found out)


Id say, at the present moment, my life is pretty G!

Holla at your girl (ahahah yeah, that sentence still does it for me)


Zoals ik jullie had verteld was er zaterdag een beach festivalletje hier in Swingapore.. And boy o boy, it was gooooooood. Om eerlijk te zijn erg weinig van de muziek mee gekregne, zal vast wel goed geweest zijn dan, des te meer mee gekregen van de tequila shotjes (dat zouden ze duidelijk ook op nederlandse festivals moeten verkopen)!

Er was vuurwerk, er was zand, er was geen drugs *duh*, er was geluid, er was promomateriaal (popcorn en suikerspin), er was zoveel.. To bad dat jullie er niet waren :( Missed you guys!


ps. drunken calls zijn zoveel leuker als je niet 2 euro per minuut betaald..


Iets waar ik in Singapore ontzettend veel moeite mee heb is de vrijheid van meningsuiting. In Nederland achten wij het niet meer dan normaal dat je eigenlijk zo'n beetje op elk moment alles kan zeggen wat in je opkomt. Van Wilders' haar totaan hoe belachelijk het is dat de binnenstad van Den Haag autovrij is en zo'n beetje alles daar tussen in.. Iedereen die mij persoonlijk kent (en ahaha, zelfs als je me niet kent, en mn blog leest..) weet dat ik ontzettend zwart/wit kan denken en dat ik wel meer dan eens dingen eruit gooi die ik eigenlijk beter voor me zelf kan houden. But hey, we houden het spontaan..

Janet (L) vrijheid van meningsuiting. Hoe erg we ook altijd bitchen in Nederland: In de zomer is het te warm, in de winter is het te koud. Alle gastarbeiders moeten het land uit. De haring is wel erg duur dit jaar. We betalen teveel belasting. De winkels moeten dicht op zondag.. Hoe erg we ook bitchen, er zijn echt places way more worse!

Nou bestaat er een organisatie Verslaggevers Zonder Grenzen wat een kleine internationale niet-gouvernementele organisatie is die onderzoek doet naar de persvrijheid, en deze wil bevorderen. VZG publiceert een jaarlijkse rangschikking van landen, gebaseerd op een inschatting door de organisatie van de persvrijheid. Nou leuk en aardig zul je denken wat boeit mij dat? Ik had serieus ook nog nooit van deze lijst gehoord.. Omdat je het zooooo for granted neemt dan vrijheid van meningsuiting normaal is.

Op de lijst van 2009 staat Nederland op nummer 7 (of eigenlijk nummer 3 als je alle gedeelte plaatsen als 1 optelt) met enkel en alleen scandinavische landen boven zich. But they crazy, zij hebben 18 maanden zwangerschapsverlof dus totale vrijheid van meningsuiting kan er dan ook nog wel bij.. En in totaal zijn er 175 landen die meegenomen zijn in deze lijst. Guess on which ranking Singapore's.. 50? Fout! 75? Fout! 100? EFFING FOUT! Singapore staat gewoon op 133! Waarom is er niemand die daar in protest tegen gaan? Iedereen zeurt altijd dat ze in Noord-Korea zo zielig zijn maar je heb niet eens vrijheden in een van het rijkste land van de wereld!!! Singapore staat serieus onder landen als Kyrgyzstan (125, wtf is dit een land), Sierra Leone (115), en zo'n beetje elk land waar er ooit major oorlogen zijn geweest (kosovo, bosnia, kuweit..). Ik moet me echt even blijven herinderen dat Singapore a pretty cool place is maar na 3 maanden of gecensureerde films, mensen die zeggen dat je dingen niet hardop mag zeggen, katten met halve staarten verlang ik toch wel een klein beetje naar of een nieuw land of nederland..

For more info: http://www.rsf.org/en-classement1003-2009.html.


14 December 2009

What the hell? Jay-Z a devil worshipper?!?!?!

I was telling my sis I kinda LOVE the empire song (see below) and in response she told me Jay-Z is a satan worshipper.. And I was like what the hell, you kiddin? So she send me a website http://thisis50.com/profiles/blogs/does-jayz-worship-the-devil and I was reading it.. And yeah, I guess it kinda does make sense!! In the empire song he raps: If Jesus cant save you, life starts when the church ends and like most of the time I cant make jack shit out of rap lyrics but hey that sentence really doesnt make sense AT ALL.. Why the hell would you say such thing when the song's about how much you love new york? But oke..

So what's the deal? Apparently Jay-Z (ofcourse, might it be true) sold his soul to the devil to make it big time in life.. Snoop Dogg and some other guy (ehh, bone thug? I dont remember..) are alleged too.. I haven't made up my mind yet if I believe this.. But here's what's the deal:

  • So his pseudo is Hova right!? As in jaHOVAh as in God.. Kinda peculiar when you call yourself god.. I call myself bamiesoep, because I love it.. Really not the same when you call yourself God..
  • Next thing.. The HOVA sign.. Like the triangle thing.. Like the eye.. Like in that movie treasure hunter.. That movie was great fun.. But where does the hova sign comes from.. Just google 'mason sign' and a whole load of websites are giving some background informations about the signs (and even the secret handshakes that Jay-Z's supposedly giving...) [I did the googling for you: "The Mason takes the fellow Mason by the right hand as in an ordinary hand shake, and presses the top of his thumb hard on the second knuckle, the fellow Mason presses his thumb against the same knuckle of the first Mason's hand." ] See: http://www.ephesians5-11.org/handshakes.htm

  • He has a song, which goes under the name Lucifer.. Ahaha, do I need to say more?

  • And then the song Run This Town with Rihanna.. My sister and me really didnt understood why they made such a fuzz about the release date of that song (you still remember, they were like countdowning it..) and Im just NOT feeling the song AT ALL! So there are a lot of people who think that that song was the introduction of somekind of new order (illuminati)..
  • Wouldnt it make TOTAL sense.. If Chris Brown tried to knock out the devil in Rihanna (then beated down Rihanna because she couldn stfu)? Because the WHOLE chris-beat-her-down doesnt make sense at all to me.. He supposedly beated her, because she saw a text by some random girl.. Well she knew he has groupies so big deal.. But honestly if somebody could provide me with some evidence about what really happened it wouldnt surprised me if some kind of black power was involved aswell..
  • Oke so Rihanna.. Ahaha I'm not feeling here, so yeah could be a satan worshipper.. Does provide sum info about the sudden 360 switch in music she makes.. Good girl gone bad, right?!
I don't know, shit creaps the hell out of me.. Would be hella scary if this all was true.. If there's actually some new order that's waiting to take over the world. It also could just be marketing.. It also could be paranoid people.. It also could be the plot of a very bad movie.. What you think?

http://vigilantcitizen.com/ go here for more information..


11 December 2009

Where I wanna/should be!

Sometime you just know.. Life has more for you to offer then it's showing now.. And I know, future life for me isn't back in Holland.. Although you keep reading shit about me missing wheatbread, mommy, etc. I love life in a foreign country, the pace of life in Singapore, I go out for dinner every night, meeting new beautifull people. I'm doing a new exciting thing every week. Im learning so much about life, about myself. That I'm perfectly capable to be alone in a country where I didn't knew anybody or anything. That I'm more or less able to addapt to a new culture. That life offers you beautifull things when you're opening your soul for it.

Back home tends to be the same every day/week/year.. It's so easy to stay in your comfort zone when everything is within effortless reach. You don't need to learn new people, because you already have your incrowd. You don't have to do new things, when you can stay at home and pig out cooking. Life is safe.. But safe isn't the thing for me. Ofcourse I think ahead a lot.. Im not the rebel kind who can live truelly day by day (oke, I maybe living per week now..). But save.. No thanks.

I really feel like that life's asking me to broaden my view, go to places. It offers it right? Why don't take advantage of it! My mommy decided when she was only 18 to move to a country where she didn't spoke the language (and didnt even spoke English), didn't know anybody only for the prospect to have a better life. With her pretty face and the knowledge her familiy was supporting her she traveled all the way from Hong Kong to the Netherlands. If she had the courage at that age, without the knowledge/skills I accumulated in my life, I certainly know I have the courage too!!

But I know Singapore is not the place for me. I don't feel (and don't think I ever will..) being home here and that has not so much to do that my loved ones aren't here (ofcourse it has do a little). It has more to do with the fact that I'm not ment to live in a country so small as this full with chinese and indian people (how racy this may sound...). They (in general) do not share the same principles and I don't find myself in a position willing to share them (yuk pig instentines). However a country such as America, where you have a lot of Chinese people and Indian people but also a bunch of caucasian people and I guess like every race thinkable... NY a city with it's own principles, culture and people. It sounds sooo appealing to me.

Im always in two minds whether I want to study forever or to begin real life. I LOVE studying, it provides so much free time. But thinking about it now, I don't do jack shit with all that spare time back home. I usually stay home, sleep, watch comedies and eat. But hey, I kinda like(d) it. No worries, just go to school seems to be the only requirement in my life back home. Sure, I go to work occasionaly but that's more for fun than because of a real need of money. But I also cant wait for real life. I cant wait to move somewhere, New York sounds hella good, start up my life as a grown up (yuk, grown up) make money. Buy me some Louboutins (everybody who buys Louboutins with there daddy's money is effing gay. You should be ashamed of yourself and throw yourself in front of something!), go to the most expensive spa to get my weekly facial. Never do my nails myself again, because Ill support economy by going out for my mani and pedi. Buy my parents things, because they bought me everything I wanted for so many years, putting their needs 2nd place. Have sex and the city like brunches and dinners at some awesome place in the City. I know I'm young.. But life is calling.. No, its screaming..

I think it's time to go..


ps. Im sorry for all who requested me writing in Dutch. Hearing Alicia singin' made me sooo enthousiastic about moving to some exciting place overseas and English ofcourse goes hand in hand with that..

Darnit WHY CANT I SING (properly)

Seriously, WHY o WHY does it seems that ALL the talent in the WHOLE world is accumulated in this one guy? He's frigging awesome.. I think that even the most anoyingi crybaby will stfu when it will hear Gabe..


YouTube's new VEVO

Vevo is an online music video website owned by Sony Music Entertainment, Universal Music Group, EMI and Abu Dhabi Music Company, that is developed and hosted by YouTube, Sony, and Google, with content being initially provided by
Universal Music Group. It has begun operations from the midnight of 6th December, 2009. Google's YouTube video service will host Universal content on the satellite website, making this the first time that YouTube hosts content off its main website. Through this partnership, Google and Universal will split ad revenues. It is expected to become the largest music oriented website on the Internet. Vevo is not designed to be exclusive to Universal, but currently only Universal is signed up to offer its content. Universal CEO Doug Morris claims it plans to work with other record companies to host content from elsewhere.

A possible major reason behind the project is the competition that music videos have on YouTube. Warner Music Group apparently removed its content from YouTube in March 2009 for just this reason, but is said to be considering hosting its content on this new service. The concept for the site is described as being a Hulu for music videos and the plan may have arisen from the goal of attracting more high-end advertisers. Currently, it is believed that many advertisers are ambivalent to hosting advertising on YouTube's site alongside user-generated video In the future, the site could host more than just music videos, such as editorials, other types of videos, and user-generated content.

source: wikipediaVevo


This saturday is Singapore's only outdoorfestival on a beach called Sentosa (it's actually a manmade beach and rather boring in my opinion). There will be 30.000 party lovers expected to come and with dj's such as Armin van Buuren (why do non-Dutchies love him SOO much? I think he kinda sucks..), Martinez brothers (effing hell the youngest brother is only 17!!), Miss Kittin (beat that bitch with the a hit, i beat i beat i beat i beat..), and Tiga it should be quite rad!

So if any series of fortunate events may bring you to Singapore this weekend please join :D

for more information: zoukout.com

YAY, Im not an outcast!!

BRUSSEL - Nederlandse jongens verlaten de ouderlijke woning gemiddeld als ze 24,2 jaar oud zijn. Voor meisjes ligt die leeftijd op 23,2 jaar.

Nederlandse jongeren horen daarmee tot de koplopers in Europa, samen met de Finse en de Franse. Bulgaarse, Sloveense en Slowaakse jongeren zijn het meest honkvast. Jongens uit deze landen gaan pas thuis weg als ze gemiddeld 31,5 zijn. Voor meisjes ligt die leeftijd een paar jaar lager.Dat blijkt uit cijfers die Eurostat, het statistisch bureau van de EU, donderdag heeft gepresenteerd.

source: nu.nl

Zoals velen wel van jullie wel hebben gelezen (of lees uitwonendinwonend als je dat nog niet hebt gedaan), heb ik vaak het gevoel dat ik op kamer moet want iedereen doet dat. WELL everybody seems to be more like me!! Ik heb nog 1,2 jaar om binnen te norm te blijven!! Dat betekent EEN KAT KOPEN, geld sparen (ipv huur betalen) om een echte wereldreis te maken, genieten van mijn mutti en vatti want die zijn zo lief en geen kleren wassen!!

Een ode aan thuis wonen!

Colour of the Day

O.P.I - Do You Lilac it? / O.P.I. - Hey! Get in Lime!

One of the greatest things about Asia is that you have a lot of (cheap) manicures around! Being to lazy to cut my own toenails (or being to lazy in general) forced me to go do a mani and pedi! For a mere 38 SGD (thats about 19 euro!) you'll be pampered for more then an hour! They scrub, cut all unnecessary hard skin (eelt), file your nails and ofcourse polish them.

On my fingernails I proudly present O.P.I.'s Hey! Get in Lime! Absolute LOVE LOVE LOVE this colour! Normally I have a lot of either pink polish or crazy colour polish (blue, yellow you name it I show it), however this mint/lime green colour is a combination of both! Because it's soo soft, all pastel, it's almost comparable with baby pink. However, it's still green and that makes it a party on my nails.

On my feet I have Do You Lilac It? also by O.P.I. and it's absofuckinglutely cute as Taylor Lautner!! I love dark colours but Im always afraid that a dark colour on my toenails resembles more of nails falling of then fash.. So I chose for a happy light purple one.

And yes I do agree, I look like an easteregg with this colour combination. But I love it! Sephora (in the Netherlands) finally started to have O.P.I. for sale (waited A LONG time for that!) and what I've heard they sell it for 16 euro, which sounds cheap when you compare it to Chanel nailpolish.. However, they sell it at Sephora USA for 9 dollar!! Thats like 6 euro, so you could almost buy three in the US for every one bought in NL :( :( :(


10 December 2009

Wednesdaynight = Ladiesnight!

Every wednesday night is ladies night in Singapore. So that means in a lot of clubs free flow for the ladies or 1 for 1. Since alcohol is ABNORMAL expensive over here (1 bottle of beer 15 dollar/7,5 euro) girl go crazy over free flow!

Me, myself and I however NEED 8 hours sleep per night (Im so gay..), so untill yesterday I haven't been to any ladies night.. But there's a first time for everything.. With a bunch of friends I head over to Supperclub (yeah the Amsterdam one.. in Singapore)

I've been there once before and I really really like the club.. If your passing out, there are beds.. If you're a fan of chinese half naked guys you DEFF should go there! Here a pic of the bartenders, made a couple of weeks ago..

Where to find me?

30 december - 4 januari: langkawi, maleisie
13 januari - 8 februari: hong kong
8 februari - 18 februari: ??? any ideas where I should go?
19 februari - 20 februari: ho chi minh, vietnam
20 februari - 24 februari: phuket, thailand
24 februari - 26 februari: kuala lumpur, maleisie
26 februari - ??? : singapore
??? - ??? : bali

Waar ik nog heen wil: filipijnen, taiwan, australie, japan en dan wordt het wel weer tijd om richting Nederland te gaan!

Oddly Specific


Thats like 3 minority's in one person..

I honestly have nothing to say to this.. Nothing..

It's not easy being an adolescent

DUDE, whatup with the tan?

AHAHAHA fucking hell when good movie characters happen to bad people!
Go get your ass to failblog, especially when you're having a boring day at work.. Shit is hella funny


ahaha, you know how we like Gossip Girl.. Well in Singapore they get all crazy over Polo Boys.. AHAHAHA those suckers actually play water polo and wear speedo's like the entire hour the show airs.. WATER POLO.. Could you even imagine that that would be on primetime in the Netherlands?!?!

I have to admit tho, paul foster (second of the right, half british half singaporean) is kinda hawt.. But that only applies to him the other guys are fug..


Woods FAIL

Pepsico Inc. confirmed it was dropping its Gatorade Tiger Focus drink, but insisted the decision was made Nov. 25 and had nothing to do with the sex scandal. Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/2009/12/08/2009-12-08_porn_star_veronica_siwikdaniels_aka.html#ixzz0ZFN4YKSd
Yeah like whatever.. Companies just don't want to be associated with cheating wankers.. Still wondering however why Tiger, as minority-example "knuffelallochtoon", ONLY fucks fugly blonds bitches..


09 December 2009

Verkiezing Woord van het Jaar 2009

Stem via: http://woordvanhetjaar.vandale.nl/index.php?idx=b0

sociaaleconomische ellende die het gevolg is van de onmogelijkheid de rente (en aflossing) voor een hypotheek te voldoen

Mexicaanse griep
varkensgriepvariant die in 2009 in Mexico de kop opstak en zich verspreidde over de rest van de wereld

benaming voor de anterieure cingulate cortex, een zone middenvoor in de hersenen die verhoogde activiteit vertoont wanneer iemand zich vergist, waardoor hij of zij in staat is van fouten te leren

virtuele vrienden dumpen door deze te schrappen uit vriendenlijstjes op vriendensites

modebewuste vrouw die ook tijdens een recessie modieuze kleding en accessoires koopt, maar haar uitgaven daarvoor beperkt door vooral tijdens de uitverkoop en in outlets te shoppen

pakketje bestaande uit een houder met een staafje waarmee een functionaris die bespuugd is het speeksel kan opvegen, aan de hand waarvan het DNA van de dader kan worden vastgesteld

burger voorgesteld als iemand die zich op zijn levensweg passief laat leiden door de mogelijkheden die de staat hem biedt

iemand die twitterberichten verstuurt, m.n. fanatieke twitteraar

avontuurlijk ingesteld meisje met een passie voor zeilen, m.n. voor lange solozeiltochten

me like trees

Kerstbomen horen niet langer bij het 'internationale karakter en de diversiteit' van een school. Tenminste, dat vindt de Haagse Hogeschool. Er komt dit jaar dan ook geen kerstboom in de aula van de school te staan."In plaats van een boom heeft de school nu gekozen voor het thema 'licht en warmte', dat door iedereen op zijn eigen manier ingevuld kan worden," zo zegt de directie.

source: fok
ahaha de haagse sucks, big time!!

08 December 2009

Tiger, tiger, tiger..

Zoals jullie wel kunnen zien hebben ik een enorme productieve dag.. Beetje jammer dat het blogwise productief is en ik jack shit aan mn project heb gedaan en het nu al 16.33 is en dat ik maar heb besloten om van vandaag wederom een nieuwe dag van niks doen te maken..

Maar Mr. Woods, Tiger Woods.. The ideal son-in-law untill one week ago.. Bij de meeste celeb's weet je dat het allemaal een act is.. Megan Fox says bullshit like every other day, omdat ze weet dat ze zo in de publiciteit blijft.. Dit is ook de enige reden waarom onze 'eigen' Kim Feenstra nog steeds een BNer is (en ook de reden waarom we niks meer horen van elk ander winaares). Lilly aka drunk Allen. Paris Hilton. Zelfs Victoria Beckham, die vast thuis dr kinderen in bed stopt met Louboutins aan..

But I honestly believed that Tiger was a sincere man. A man who worked hard for his billions (the first sport endorse who made it to the billions!). But he just couldn't keep it in his pants. Hij heeft een BLOEDMOOIE vrouw, maar toch had hij the need om the alleged 10 skanks (die zowel lelijk als jong als empty minded zijn) als buitenvrouw drbij te hebben. Zijn vrouw zweeds topmodels, buitenvrouw lelijke serveerster.. How hard is it to weight those two out!

Geen enkele van zijn endorsement bedrijven is van plan om hun contract op te zeggen omdat het om de sport gaat (terwijl het bij Kate Moss ook om de foto's zou moeten gaan, maar zij is ook een hoop contracten verloren, welliswaar heeft de tijd aan haar zij gestaan en is ze bigger ehh thinner and richer then ever). Maar was niet iedereen juist een beetje fan van hem omdat hij zo sincere overkwam? Als kwart chinees, kwart thai, kwart afro american, achtste native american en achste nederlands had de beste man het al zwaar genoeg, right?

I sure hope he's willing to accept Oprah's invitation to her show and do some explaining (or either let his agency force him to accept for some positive publication..).. Ben meer dan benieuwd wat die te melden heeft!!

For now, Im just sooo dissappointed.. Het is een beetje zoals toen Gordon uit de kast kwam..


Jailbait is slang for a person who is younger than the legal age of the consent for sexual activity, but physically mature enough to be taken for an adult.
source: wikipedia


source: pinkcoyote
This dog is killing me..

Doe mij die maar!!

A SpongeBob SquarePants (!!!) figurine given a makeover by Chanel's (!!!) Karl Lagerfeld (think dark shades, a towering starched collar and fingerless gloves) attracted the highest bid at a recent Paris fundraiser for WWF, generating 1,000 euros


Although I still have no Twitter account (and not planning to get one either) there's one account I really want to share with you guys..


It's sooo effing hilarious in 120 words!

"We're out of Grape Nuts... No, what's left is for me. Sorry, I should have said "You're out of Grape Nuts."

"I just want silence. Jesus, it doesn't mean I don't like you. It just means right now, I like silence more."

"It's never the right time to have kids, but it's always the right time for screwing. God's not a dumbshit. He knows how it works."

"I don't need more friends. You got friends and all they do is ask you to help them move. Fuck that. I'm old. I'm through moving shit."

"Mom and I saw a great movie last night...No, don't remember the name. It was about a guy or, no, wait.. fuck, getting old sucks."

"Son, no one gives a shit about all the things your cell phone does. You didn't invent it, you just bought it. Anybody can do that."

"I like the dog. If he can't eat it, or fuck it, he pisses on it. I can get behind that."

"Does anyone your age know how to comb their fucking hair? It looks like two squirrels crawled on their head and started fucking."

I could like quote EVERY tweet, because they are all ROFL funny!


That's kinda hawt

Victoria's Secret's Angels, yeah they kinda hawt!!!


Source: dont-trip-yet
Whatsup with the humungous thighs Rihanna?